Four Canvasses Feedback
Thanks to all those who filled in the Birmingham Vineyard Canvas Questionnaire, and for taking the time to share your heart and passion for what God wants to do in our church family and in the city.
We have been reading the comments and listening to your thoughts and ideas. We have already used the questionnaire information to pick up on some pressing situations expressed, linking individuals into support via their Cells and Community contacts. We have also informally connected some people who have a shared interest in specific issues (eg looking to starting a community café).
What's next?
We are now arranging a series of “Round Table” sessions – 1 per canvas – to explore the values and passions, ideas and suggestions in each canvas, so that we can start to set up plans and actions to grow in each of the areas. The Round Table sessions will have a brief summary of all the questionnaire feedback for that canvas, and we have identified a couple of people per canvas who will facilitate the conversation and help lead us as we plan our next steps.
The sessions are open to anyone in the church who wants to engage with ideas or who has capacity to make a difference. Taking part in the round table does NOT automatically commit you to delivering personally on all the projects and ideas discussed! It does give you the opportunity to shape what happens next.
The session dates are:
Doing Life Well – Wednesday 10th June
Work and the City – Wednesday 17th June
Leaders and Nations – Monday 13th July
Compassion and Justice – Monday 20th July
All the sessions will take place in Network House and will run from 8:00pm – 9:45pm prompt.
Please take this opportunity to help us grow and develop the heart behind each canvas.
God bless
Mike McMaster
(on behalf of Andrew and Rosie)