Good news! We're going to be doing another Advent Devotional together this Christmas!

We want to use this Advent time to draw closer to Jesus as a church, and so we're going to be reading through a YouVersion Bible reading plan from Church Of The Highlands. To get involved, just follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download the YouVersion Bible App. You can click below for your convenience! You’ll need to create a free account once you’ve downloaded the app.


Click the button below to be taken to the advent devotional we’ll be following:


This should take you to a screen that says something to the effect of ‘would you like to open this in the YouVersion app?’. Click Open, and you’ll see the Bible Plan in the YouVersion App.


Click ‘Accept Invitation’ and get reading with us on the 1st December!

If you have any issues accessing this, please do let us know, and we’ll do our best to help you!