JOB OPENING // Operations Manager

Are you passionate about working with people to see results? Do you enjoy systems and strategy? Do you feel called to support the church in behind the scenes roles?

We’re recruiting for a full-time Operations Manager!

The Ops Manager will play a crucial role in all that happens behind the scenes at Birmingham Vineyard. They will work closely with the Senior Pastors to develop and implement an operational strategy in line with the mission and ethos of the church.

The Ops Manager will be involved in a wide variety of church operations including oversight of the church building and facilities, governance and policies, communications, and finance.

The Ops Manager will also have some line management responsibilities. The successful candidate will have experience and knowledge in the areas listed above, as well as be competent in IT systems. They should have an attention to detail, be able to think strategically, and be capable of leading teams while maintaining a positive relationship with stakeholders.

As a staff team we understand the importance of strong and capable operational oversight. We truly believe that the right person in this role will not only strengthen the existing ministry of Birmingham Vineyard but will be the catalyst for growth and effectiveness as we seek to continue multiplying and reaching Birmingham with the love of Jesus.

If you’re interested, please click below to view the Job Description.
To apply, please fill out the application form below and email to

Impact Report - International Partnership

Did you know that there are Vineyard churches all over the world?

In fact, there are three healthy Vineyard churches in Malawi, Africa that Birmingham Vineyard have a special relationship with. Chippo and Janet started a small group in 2017 which grew to become Malingunde Vineyard. Matsimbe Vineyard was soon planted out and then Nduala Vineyard too. There are currently two small groups in other villages we hope may grow into church plants.

The main focus this year for Malingunde Vineyard has been Kingdom ministry seeing 183 people come to faith, 224 healings and 24 baptisms! Rhodess and Janet lead a women’s ministry of about 25 women and have been teaching how they can use their gifts and abilities to nurture those around them.


Matias and Loveness lead Nduala Vineyard. Matias lost his job last year and his family was struggling, so Malingunde Vineyard supported them financially to start a small business.

‘I thank God for being supported and trained through our Vineyard family. In the past I was not open to other leaders, so to be able to grow and now lead with transparency has helped me to work well in a team. I am enjoying things being much easier working with my fellow leaders.’
— Matias

Due to your generosity Birmingham Vineyard is able to relationally and materially support these Vineyard churches. Through their ministries over 500 people came to faith this past year and 744 people received healing, children are being sponsored to attend school, widows and orphans are receiving care and support, whilst leaders are receiving monthly training.

Please pray that through these growing churches people will come to know Jesus and be discipled as they follow Him. If you’d like to learn more about our partnerships in Malawi you can contact Tom Husbands at or speak to Bill Dixon or Tom and Kat Densham.

Staff Update - A New Adventure For Jeff

Last year at the Vineyard Leaders Gathering God began to speak about him having a new adventure for me. Over the past year, I've been praying, talking to Andrew and Rosie and trying several different doors to see what God might have for me. One of the doors I tried was Teach First. I was accepted into the program, so from September I will be training with them and working full-time as an RE teacher in a secondary school in Perry Bar. 

I will miss being a part of our awesome staff team. However, we very much feel that this is where God has led me and I am looking forward to a fresh challenge and a new adventure.

I am going to continue to be a site pastor alongside Becky at South Site, though I will need to take a break from preaching and some of my other responsibilities there for a while. But I will be consistently present on Sundays and available pastorally for people. 

Grace and Peace,


A note from Andrew and Rosie 

Often in moments like this people can speculate and ask what’s the real story here? Well, let me be crystal clear for you all. Rosie and I love, trust and respect both Jeff and Becky. They are an exceptional couple and Jeff's been honouring of us by including us in the whole journey of discernment before coming to this decision. We want you to know that we're fully supportive of Jeff as he makes this move. He makes this step with our thanks and with our love and blessing.  

Jeff is very natural at living out his faith and this change gives him the chance to be salt and light in a new workplace. That’s the call that most of you have and he’s stepping into that adventure from September. 

Jeff's calling as a leader in God's Church remains, though his employment is changing. In his staff role Jeff has done an excellent job giving oversight to small groups, training, pastoral care and working to plan preaching series that serve the whole Church. As a team we’ll be looking to how those areas will be covered in the months ahead. 

Please join us in praying for Jeff and Becky in this next phase of their leadership journey and for South Site and everyone involved in serving and leading here at Birmingham Vineyard.


Andrew and Rosie

Impact Report - Youth



The vision of BV Youth is for youth to access Jesus and the church easily, to download Jesus into their hearts with everything that He offers, to be upgraded by the power of the Holy Spirit for transformation, and to go and make disciples by transferring the Good News to others!

On Sundays, we have around 30-40 youth across all sites! On Fridays, we consistently have 30-40 youth coming AND inviting their friends! At our last Network Camp (sleepover at the church), we gathered 50 youth with around 5-6 of them who were new to church!

We have so many spaces for youth to grow in their relationship with Jesus but also have spaces where they can invite their friends! 

After taking our youth to DTI in the summer and DTI road trip (a mini 1 day DTI) we have seen amazing growth in the youth, both in numbers and in their faith. Recently we had to cancel the talk at one of our Friday night youth gatherings because the youth wanted to continue worshipping and being in the presence of God! We had one hour of worship, and young people were still hungry and thirsty for the presence of God. God is doing something in their lives! God is moving in this generation, using and transforming them.

It is so exciting to see so many people stepping into leadership, setting aside their time to create welcoming spaces where they care for and invest in our youth.

I love seeing young people grow in their faith and go deeper in their relationship with Jesus. And it’s a privilege to be in that journey with them.
— One of our Youth Leaders


If you want to be a part of this story , whether that’s through giving, serving or praying, get in touch with Narek who oversees our youth ministry::

Birmingham Vineyard Worship: Go With US - New Single

Songwriting is a really important value for us at Birmingham Vineyard. In many of the Psalms, we’re encouraged to ‘sing a new song to the Lord’ - to authentically come to the Lord with gratitude in our hearts for all that he is doing, using a fresh expression in creativity and song.

We’re thrilled that our new single ‘Go With Us’ continues this journey! ‘Go With Us’ is a song asking God to be present with us as we gather, and then use us as we scatter, to bring his purposes and his Kingdom into our city.

We love that it is written by people in our church, from all 4 of our sites, and it unities us in our mission as a church to follow Jesus, to live life to the full, and to make a difference.

This song was all written, performed, recorded and edited by members of our church, and it actually started as a song at one of our Songwriting Circle events (a great place for those exploring songwriting to try it out!).

We also hope that this song encourages you to give songwriting a go, and continue to hone your skills! If that’s you, do get in touch with us! Check out this video series with some songwriting tips:

We hope that this song blesses you, draws you closer to Jesus, and empowers you to take the love of Jesus into your communities.

It will be released on all the usual music platforms, so check it out wherever you get your music. For some quick links, click below! Also, be sure to follow Birmingham Vineyard Worship on instagram to receive the latest updates about our upcoming music releases and more!

Impact Report - Small Groups

Small groups are an essential part of all we do at Birmingham Vineyard as we seek to follow Jesus, live life to the full and make a difference.

Other than Sundays they are the main place that people find community. As well as being the main way we deliver pastoral care and discipleship.

Our society has an epidemic of loneliness, where people feel over connected but not seen or known. We think small groups done well are the solution to this. They are places of authentic friendship, where you are known, encouraged and supported.

Each week we have around 300 people attending small groups. In short if you aren’t in a small group, you are missing out! We now have 38 groups, across the city, so there should be one near you.

Early last year we set out the goal of starting one new group a month, and over the last 12 months we have seen 17 new groups started and have trained over 40 new small group leaders.

It is so exciting to see so many people stepping into leadership, setting aside their time to create welcoming spaces where they care for and investing in others.

Your giving enables us to deliver training as well as provide discipleship resources for our groups. Thank you to all those who invest their time, talents and treasures in this ministry by giving to the church, attending, hosting or leading one of our groups.

Impact Report - Sites & Multiplication

Our Sunday services are environments where we encounter God together. Several hundred people gather across our 4 weekly Sunday services, which each have their own feel and flavour. We’re united in our commitment to worship Jesus, centre on His Word and welcome the work of the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Christ. Drawing from diverse ages and backgrounds, we’re learning each week to love God and love each other. In a fragmented world, that’s a powerful picture of faith, hope and love in action.

Each of our services is led by a great team of site pastors, and they are actively training new site pastors and teams who will launch new sites in other communities in Birmingham.  We’re committed to planting more groups and sites where people can encounter God and learn what it is to follow Jesus.  

We are fortunate to own one of our Sunday venues and have a small mortgage on the car park. We hire all the other spaces we meet in. Our fixed costs for venue hire, maintenance and utilities are about 50k per annum.

Every time you serve, pray and give, you are investing directly in the story of God expressed through this church! 

Impact Report - Compassion

It’s been an extremely exciting year for Compassion at Birmingham Vineyard!

Our Foodbank is run by Lucy Beneton. Last year we gave out over £6000 worth of food and vouchers either directly through our Foodbank Champions or via partner agencies like Birmingham Solihull Women’s Aid and the Edge Academy. 

Our Growbaby has expanded. We now have two drop-in sites, one in the City Centre and one in the East. Ruth Allen, who runs our East site Growbaby has seen a huge rise in the number of families visiting them - since setting up, they’ve helped 188 families with over £8000 worth of donated clothes, equipment and basics like nappies and toiletries.

Rick Hill and his team in Northfield have been running a warm spaces community meal since the start of the fuel crisis in 2022, with around 20 people now coming and being welcomed and fed each week. We’re also partnering with Safe Families to support volunteers looking after ten different families with complicated needs.

If you’re part of this story because you donate money, food or children’s equipment, or because you’re on the team then thank you so much!

It is an incredible privilege to be able to witness to the love of God through practical help and offering prayer through Compassion ministries! If you’d love to be part of that story, have a look on the giving pages of our website or get in touch with the team about volunteering!

Impact Report - Kids & Families

In our Kids & Families ministry we are all about connecting with each other, encountering God, supporting parents, and teaching children good theology.

One of the ways that this is expressed is through our Sunday Kids groups.

Each week we have an average of 82 children coming along to groups, across all four services, led by over 45 volunteers.

These children are not just the church of tomorrow, they’re the church of today, with time spent each week worshipping Jesus, learning about God and the Bible, and spending time in prayer and ministry (alongside the games, snacks and crafts, of course!).

Kids is such a rewarding ministry to be a part of, bringing so much to the children’s relationships with Jesus, but also to the team members.

“Being on the kids team has been a fun new adventure for me, it is wonderful to feel a part of teaching the children about God and seeing their faith journey. One particular moment stood out to me, when asking a group if they would call themselves a Christian, one girl said "yes" and the other said "no you're not!" To which the first girl said "I am now!" A wonderful moment to witness!”

Thank you to all of you who give, enabling us to create a space where children can both be discipled and have fun together, amongst so many other things!

If you want to be a part of this story, whether that’s through giving, serving or praying, you can get in touch with Lauren, who oversees our Kids & Families ministry at

JOB OPENING // Compassion Coordinator

Do you have a heart for the poor and the struggling? Do you love coaching volunteers, setting strategic goals and caring for people on the ground? Are you ready to help us make a difference across Birmingham?

At Birmingham Vineyard, Making A Difference is one of our core values. One way we do this is by building a compassionate community - through our Compassion ministries and through supporting and celebrating those in our congregations who use their time and talents to change the lives of others. 

We currently run two Growbaby drop-in sessions per week, a Foodbank handing out over 700 bags of food a year, and a weekly community meal, as well as supporting volunteers who work with organisations like Safe Families or who make compassionate life decisions like housing refugees or fostering children. We are looking for a competent leader who has experience in either the compassion sector or church work (or both) to take this part of our vision forwards, working with the volunteers who head up each ministry area and with our site leadership teams to grow and deepen our compassion work and make a difference across our city.

If you are passionate about those most in need and capable of running a complicated and demanding ministry area, then this job may be for you!

If you’re interested, please click below to view the Job Description.


To apply, please email your completed application form to Becky Stamps



JOB OPENING // Production Coordinator

Do you love the technical aspects of church? Are you passionate about creating spaces for people to encounter God? Do you enjoy developing, releasing and overseeing volunteers? Do you have experience in sound, lights and media?

This might be the role for you - we’re hiring a Production Coordinator!

We are a church that exists to help people follow Jesus, live life to the full and make a difference. Our vision is to start groups, communities, and congregations where people can encounter God.

Production elements like PA, media and cameras, are essential in helping these spaces to be effective in bringing people to God.

We’re looking for a Production Coordinator to oversee all production elements, and the whole production ministry, in order to strengthen our existing environments, and enable us to multiply to whatever future environments God leads us to.

If you’ve got prior experience in this field, and if you’re passionate about developing production elements to best serve our church vision, we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re interested, please click below to view the Job Description.
To apply, please email your CV and cover letter, describing why you’d be the right candidate, to our Worship Pastor, Jon.

If you are unable to meet this deadline, but are still interested, please email Jon and express your interest.

Job Opening // Assistant Pastor - Youth & Students

DO YOU WANT TO SEE people meet and deepen their relationship with jesus?



The Assistant Pastor is a core staff role at Birmingham Vineyard. The successful candidate will not be a maintainer of a ministry, but a pioneering leader who will build on what already exists in a number of ministry areas. You will be part of the pastoral team & be responsible for the development of the Youth & Student ministries at Birmingham Vineyard. You will have a presence and influence that extends beyond the youth and students to strengthen and contribute to the health of the whole church through public teaching. You may be exploring a call to site planting, site pastoring, church planting or senior church leadership.


The successful candidate will lead a thriving youth ministry, equipping, empowering and overseeing a strong team of volunteer leaders and teams with vision and resources. You will also develop and grow our student ministry so we become increasingly effective in gathering, integrating and discipling students from Birmingham’s universities.

Birmingham Vineyard is a vibrant multi-cultural and multi-site church based in Birmingham, UK. We meet across three sites in 4 congregations. We are a church that exists to help people follow Jesus, live life to the full and make a difference. Our vision is to start groups, communities, and congregations where people can encounter God.

If you’re looking for a full time pastoral role in Birmingham and are passionate about using your gifts and skills to serve the church, we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re interested, please click below to view the job description


To apply please send your CV and filled application form to Emily Harris at You can also email Emily if you have any questions or would like to discuss a prospective application.



East Site Update

East Site Update

Our East Site is entering a new season! Now that we have finished the Alpha course, which we have been doing for the past three months, we are delighted to announce that we will be meeting weekly at East Site from Palm Sunday onwards.

All are welcome to join us, or visit! Our services start at 3:30PM on Sundays at St Michael’s Church Centre, B28 9NU on the border of Hall Green and southern Olton (Solihull), and we have provision for both school age kids and youth.

How can you be involved?

  1. Please spread the word among friends and colleagues living in East Birmingham and adjoining parts of Solihull who may be interested in exploring faith or finding a church.

  2. Please be praying for us as we begin to “launch” as a full site: that we as an East congregation will keep focused on Jesus, be filled with the Spirit and grow as a diverse and welcoming community; and especially that God will bring many through our doors to encounter Him over these next few months.

If you have any questions about East Site, you can contact Rachel at

Rachel & Chris Binder,
East Site Pastors

Staff Update - Farewell Aaron!

Our Assistant Pastor Aaron, who oversees our youth, will be moving on in May to take on a new role with The National Youth Agency. We are so excited for Aaron to take on this new challenge and be using his giftings on a national scale. 

Aaron's stepping out of this role will leave a gap. Can we replace Aaron? No, because he's unique, and in that sense irreplaceable! We will; however, want to ensure that Youth has the right leadership and resources going forward.

We'll be looking for someone else to join the staff team to build on the work that Aaron has led. There is a plan in place to make sure Youth can carry on as normal during the process of Aaron leaving and finding a new person to lead the Youth ministry. Currently there are no planned changes in terms of Youth provisions at BV so Friday and Sunday Youth sessions will continue to happen as normal. The leadership team are praying and closely following the Lord’s leading as they seek direction for the future. In the long term, we are a growing church, and the Youth ministry will continue to shape and evolve over time as God leads. 

We want to end this by saying a huge thank you to Aaron and his family! We are hugely grateful for all he has brought to the young people, the team and the church as a whole.

For more info check out the FAQs below: 

1. So, what has prompted this?

Any change can always spark speculation. Let us be crystal clear this is not because Aaron has had any form of falling out or disagreement or some ongoing dispute with Andrew, Rosie or the church leadership. Nor is it because Aaron has had some kind of moral failure. 

Aimee and Aaron have felt for a few months that God has been stirring them that something is going to/needs to change for their family. Aaron was closely listening to God to see if it was time to move on from his role, it became clear whilst going through this process that the move is one which is needed/right for now. His new role will allow greater home-working and more predictable work hours, which is important for him at this stage of family life. We see this and want to release Aaron with our love and blessing.  

2. When will Aaron be leaving?

Aaron will be leaving in early to mid may once my three-month notice period has come to an end.

3. So what does this mean for the future of Youth?

We know that God has good things in store for BV Youth. There is a plan in place to make sure Youth can carry on as normal during the process of Aaron leaving, & finding a new person to lead the Youth ministry. The leadership team are praying & closely following the Lord’s leading as they seek direction for the future. We will keep you updated to more specific & practical things, but we want you to know there is a plan in place for the short term.

4. What is the process for finding a replacement?

The job will be advertised in the coming months so internal and external candidates can apply. The hope is that the position will be filled prior to DTI, but the outer date for requirement would be that a new person will be in place by September

5. Who do I contact about youth stuff?

Aaron is still the main point of contact until he concludes his employment. Before he leaves we’ll give clarity about leadership and who to contact with questions etc. We’ll make sure this is clear. We’re also so grateful that the existing youth leaders remain present throughout this transition. 

6. Will Aaron still be around at BV?

Firstly, Aaron & his family love BV. They have been part of this wonderful community for 8 years and have formed many deep friendships. One of the challenges that they have really noticed is the distance from their home to church. Something Aaron is aware of is giving space to the person who will be taking on the new role, so they don’t feel undermined or uncomfortable with Aaron still around. For now, they are taking some time to pray and think about where God would want them to be as a family.

7. What does this mean for Youth?

For now, there is no change in terms of Youth provisions at BV. Fridays & Sundays will continue to happen as normal. In the long term, we are a growing church, and the youth ministry will continue to shape & evolve over time as God leads.

Job Opening // Administration and Communications Assistant (full-time)

If you enjoy administrative work, like working with a team, enjoy communicating and community-building through social media and events, and are passionate about helping people encounter God, then we may have a role for you! 

We are looking for an administration and communications assistant to join our thriving office team at Birmingham Vineyard.

We are a church that exists to help people follow Jesus, live life to the full and make a difference. Our vision is to start groups, communities, and congregations where people can encounter God. That vision cannot become a reality without administrative support and great communications.

If you’re looking for a full time, office-based administrative role in central Birmingham and are passionate about using your gifts and skills to serve the church, we’d love to hear from you.

If you’re interested, please click below to view the job description


To apply please send a CV and covering letter to You can also email Mike if you have any questions or would like to discuss a prospective application.



Staff Update - Nessa's New Adventure!

Our wonderful friend and colleague Nessa is moving on to pastures new and we wanted to take just a moment to celebrate her!

For the last year Nessa has been doing a fantastic job managing our social media and supporting Aaron as they lead our youth ministry. We’ll miss her, but we’ve loved journeying with her as she explores her calling into the entertainment world, and we’re so excited for what God has in store in her next step!

Check out below to see her story of the journey God is taking her on:

Over the last few years I’ve really felt a stirring to be part of making the film and tv world a more ethical place to work.

I’m from a Film and TV background and have witnessed first hand the neglect that often occurs behind the camera. We hear about the mistreatment of actors and actresses behind the scenes but what is only just starting to be spoken about is the mistreatment of the many hundreds of crew who work long hours, are underpaid and suffer with mental health problems in silence. With some of my friends losing their lives to suicide.

We often hear about the ethics of where our food comes from, where our clothes come from and the mistreatment of workers in other sectors but the film and tv world is often one that is portrayed as a glitzy and glamorous environment to work in. When in actual fact, its very labor intensive and the issues are severely overlooked.

Over the pandemic, I began The Retreat Productions. A film and TV production company prioritizing ethics in all areas.

A few months ago, I headed to LA for some work meetings and to network. During this time, God did so much. During a meeting an opportunity for a well known platform to buy my script occurred. However, throughout the meeting, it became clear that what they were proposing was in no way ethical and would have meant that I would not have been able to be involved in making sure that everyone was able to work in a safe environment. So I declined their offer.

It was at that moment that God started putting people in my path the rest of the trip that further reinforced that I had made the right decision. Opportunities for more ethical ways of doing things arose and by the end of my trip I left confident in the knowledge that in order to make a lasting impact and change the culture, I needed to go back into that industry full time and make my God appointed vision a bigger priority.

It's a scary realisation to come to. It means a lot of change going forward but I’ve heard two sayings having been around Vineyard for most of my Christian life and they are; “ old orders are good orders until you get new orders”, and “you know, that you know, that you know when God is calling you to be situated in a certain space.”

I know, that I know, that I know, that God is now calling me into a new thing and it’s with that knowledge that now is the time for me to close this chapter in Birmingham and bring more of his kingdom impact into this industry.

Ways you can support this new adventure:

  • Financially support me - I’m raising £15,000 to cover things like flights, accommodation and visa fees. For more information and to donate to this cause head to my Go Fund Me page:

  • Pray - If you’re the praying kinda pal, please do be praying for this new adventure. There are high and low times ahead. I do really believe that any and all prayer makes a difference.

  • Hire Me - I am making up income by relaunching myself on a self-employed basis as a graphic designer and social media consultant. You can find my graphic design Instagram over on and you can stay in the loop on my personal Instagram

  • Share the fundraiser - I can't do this alone. Sharing it with your friends, family, or anyone you think might be interested could make a world of difference between hitting or missing my goal.

  • If you would like more information about The Retreat Productions and about me, you can head to

East Site - Now meeting twice a month!

Over the last year a number of us have sensed God calling us on an adventure with Him in East Birmingham and Solihull.

We have been praying and meeting regularly as a community since November 2021 and are actively in the process of planting out a new East site, currently meeting at the crossroads of Hall Green, Acocks Green and Solihull.

We are praying for God to build East site to be an intercultural, family-like community which invites everyone in, encountering Jesus together and living out His love in the communities where He has placed us.

As we have been seeking God in this journey, He has been challenging us to be:

Prayerful - coming to our Father boldly and expectantly as our growing habit and first response, no matter what our situation .

Missional - intentional about connecting with those who don’t know Jesus yet; learning to take every opportunity, both in and outside of church, to live out His love and our new life in Him.

Relational - becoming a family-like community where everyone is valued, where we both give and receive (and where we eat together a lot!).

Simple - in approach, not as an end, but as a tool to help us make space for the Holy Spirit to move; and to prioritise time and energy for connection with God and people.

East Site is in a pre-launch phase for the remainder of 2022, meeting twice a month from September.

3:30 PM - St Michael’s Church Centre, 17 Redstone Farm Road, B28 9NU   

 Dates for the autumn term are:

Worship Services

September 11th
October 9th
November 6th
December 11th

Community Events

September 25th
October 23rd
November 27th

All ages are welcome at all of our gatherings. During worship services the will be groups for children ages 4 and up and also for youth. Contact us for up-to-date information on our current provision for very young children.

If you have any questions, pop Rachel an email, she’d love to chat!

Welcome to the team, Emily and Elsbeth!

We’re so happy to introduce you to Emily and Elsbeth who have recently joined our staff team and will be providing maternity leave cover for Aimee Gatting, Andrew and Rosie’s Executive Assistant. 

We’re so excited for Aimee and her husband Paul who are expecting their first child in early July.  Aimee’s last day of work will be the 17th June, with plans to return part time in April.  Emily will be working Mondays and Fridays, and Elsbeth will be working Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays.  Emily and Elsbeth both have experience in church and Christian charity administration and will do an excellent job supporting Andrew and Rosie and the wider staff team as they all serve Birmingham Vineyard.

Alongside their roles here with us Emily has a business as a dog walker and enjoys going on hikes and adventures in the countryside.  Elsbeth, who is happy to go by Els, also works for Open Heaven Church in Loughborough providing support in their student work ministry and is on the leadership team for the 18's-30's expression, OH1. She loves an iced almond milk mocha and is an avid netballer.

If you’re in the office and see Emily or Elsbeth do say hello and introduce yourself.  If you need to get in touch with them their emails are:

Emily -

Elsbeth -

Or you can email them both:

Birmingham Vineyard Internships

We are so excited to be able to offer internships again, starting in September!

What’s an internship?

An internship is a great way to take a year to grow in your faith and to hone your skills for the workplace. Whether you’re looking to work in a church, for a charity or other third-sector organisation or for the corporate world, an internship is a great way to gain some practical work experience as well as a chance to help you explore career options.

As a church, we can offer practical experience in a number of transferable areas, as well as a year to solidly ground your faith and character which are both essential to flourish as a follower of Jesus in any contemporary workplace. 

The internship programme will run from September to July, and be based around 3 things:

  • Theological training (provided by Vineyard UK and Ireland)

  • Practical experience and on-the-job learning

  • Mentoring, sponsoring and spiritual development

What will I be doing?

As an intern, you will be sponsored by one of our pastoral team, who will line manage you as you work within a certain ministry area in the church. There are five areas to choose from: compassion, kids, worship, youth and pioneering pastoral leadership. The availability of each area will depend on the capacity of the sponsor involved and the number of applications in any given year. You’ll be working with your sponsor in a given ministry area, helping hands-on with the existing ministry and helping to strategise and develop new projects within it.  In addition, you’ll have a spiritual director/mentor from within Vineyard who will help you reflect on what you’re learning and on your growing relationship with God, and theological training from VCUKI (the national Vineyard movement). 

Theological training will include one day per week of home study, using resources produced or recommended by VCUKI, and one day per month of study in Nottingham as part of that year’s Vineyard College cohort. There will be general theological training as well as ministry-specific modules.

You will need to be able to commit at least 25 hours per week to being part of your chosen ministry area at church, in addition to the above study time. These hours will be flexible depending on your chosen area and the projects you are part of. Be aware when applying that a lot of our ministries take place on evenings and weekends, as well as during the week!

Do I need to be a member of Birmingham Vineyard?

You don’t need to be a member of Birmingham Vineyard to apply, but you will need to attend church while doing your internship. Your work will involve being part of our Sunday team, as that’s where much of our ministry takes place. You will also need to be living in Birmingham for the duration of the internship, so that you can easily access our facilities. We can help provide low-cost housing and help with other costs you might incur as part of your internship.

Please note: there is an occupational requirement for anyone in this role to be a practising Christian.

How much does it cost?

The cost for the Vineyard college course is £320 deposit plus £99 per month for the year.

For successful applicants who require it, Birmingham Vineyard would be able to offer a bursary and reduced-cost housing for the year. Additional funds could be gained through support raising or casual work.

Funding will be decided during the application and interview process, in conversation with potential interns and the church trustees.

OK, how do I find out more?

If you think you might be interested in applying for an internship programme, get in touch with us using the form below and we will be in contact with you.

If you would like to help support our internship programme, for example by providing spiritual direction or mentoring, housing an intern, or offering prayer or financial support, you can email detailing the support you’d like to offer and we will be in touch with you.