We’ve made some changes to how our City Centre car park on Barford Street is managed, this will help us make better use of it throughout the week and bring in a little more money to help fund all of our ministries and sites! Check out below to see the details:
Will I have to pay to park on Sunday?
Parking at all of our sites is free on a Sunday, and there’s nothing you need to do! The detail below is only relevant for our Barford Street (opposite the City Centre site) carpark during the week. On the weekends each of our sites have free parking, and you don’t need to put your number plate into anything to make that happen!
So what’s actually happening then?
Since buying the Barford Street carpark 10 years ago we’ve been renting spaces out to neighbouring businesses, but we find that during the week it is often less than half full. So to try and steward our investment well, we’ve decided to put the carpark on RingGo during the week. Guests of Birmingham Vineyard will always park free, so we have a tablet in the main entrance that you can pop your number plate into if you ever visit during the week.
How Do I park for Free?
On a Saturday or Sunday - Just park! We have so many events over the weekend that we’ve disabled the system on Saturdays and Sundays, the barrier will be down and the Welcome team for the event you’ve come to will open it for you. No need to put your registration into the tablet, as the system is off.
On a weekday - If you’re here for something at Birmingham Vineyard, simply pop your number plate into the tablet in the main entrance (there’s also one in the office) and you’ll have free parking all day.
Can I use the carpark whenever I like?
On a weekday you’re welcome to use the carpark, even if you’re not here for a church event. Simply follow the instructions on the signs and pay for however long you’d like. Again, we aren’t renting the space out over the weekend as we want to keep the carpark free for whatever event we’re hosting.
What if I forget and get fined when I shouldn’t have?
We don’t want anyone paying if they were here for a church event! If you do forget to put your number plate into the tablet during an event and get sent a fine, let us know when it was and what you were here for and we can get it reversed.
I have another question!
Great! Pop us an email (info@birminghamvineyard.com) and our team would love to help.
The BV Team