One of the ministries we offer at Birmingham Vineyard is Sozo. ‘Sozo’ is a Greek word meaning “to save or make well or whole” and Sozo ministry is a unique, inner-healing prayer ministry, which allows the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit to release people from the impact of wounds and lies that hinder them from walking in their true kingdom identity, calling and freedom.
Our wonderful Sozo team is made up of 4 trained lead members and 1 trained support member. In the last year, they have delivered 62 appointments with both members of Birmingham Vineyard and people from other churches across the region.
These appointments, with fully trained and experienced Sozo practitioners, usually last about 2 hours and have a profound impact on those who book and attend them.
One person said, “I am so grateful to the people who sat and prayed with me and led me through being released by the Lord from a feeling of oppression that was really holding me back. I walked out of that appointment with a huge burden lifted and such a sense of lightness and freedom, which hasn’t left me since.”
This wonderful team delight in bringing freedom to the many people to whom they minister, and you can book an appointment on the Birmingham Vineyard Website, under the ‘Sozo’ section of the drop down menu. Also if you are interested in being trained up and joining the team of this wonderful ministry, you can contact Jo, at