Safeguarding is a priority here!
We are committed to creating a safe space for everyone that comes through our doors and work in partnership with Thirtyone:eight and our trustees to ensure that we have a strong safeguarding policy in place. We get DBS checks for all team/volunteers that work with under 18s as well as anyone who may work with vulnerable adults and all relevant team go through our safeguarding training to ensure that they are aware of and follow all our policies and procedures.
Our full safeguarding policy is available here.
If you want to report or disclose anything (however big or small it may seem), click the link below and fill out the form . This form goes directly to our safeguarding team who will read and respond as soon as possible.
Our Safeguarding Team
If you have any questions about our policies or procedures, or just want to talk over a concern you may have, get in touch with one of our safeguarding leads!
Children’s Safeguarding Lead
(For anyone under 18 years)
Lauren Morris
0121 622 1230
Adult’s Safeguarding Lead
(For anyone 18 years or over)
Joanna Ramdas-Harsia
0121 622 1230
If you have an emergency and aren’t able to get through to the Birmingham Vineyard team or want independent advice, contact Thirtyone:eight on: 0303 003 11 11