Is There Hope? - How Jesus Changed My Life
Peter Spafford

This week was our 9 lessons and carols service. Pete Spafford shared a short message at our South Site while lighting this week's advent candle.

Sunday 19th December - South Site

Is There Hope? - Hope Because God Offered Himself Up
Ruth Page
Is There Hope? - Hope Because God Offered Himself Up
Becky Stamps

At our Carol Services this week, Ruth and Becky shared about hope.

At Christmas, we spend a lot of timing hoping for things. This anticipation of future events and outcomes is uncertain, and the outcomes that we hope for are inevitably temporary. While this is not a very hopeful picture, the Bible offers us a better kind of hope which is quite different!

Sunday 12th December
Small Group Notes

Is There Hope? - Hope Because God Knows When to Speak Up
Jeff Stamps

In this talk Jeff looks at the message of the Angels, and the Shepherds response; and how the arrival of God’s chosen ruler, in Jesus, is good news for us now.

Sunday 5th December
Small Group Notes

Is There Hope? - Hope Because God Knows When to Show Up
Kathryn Thorpe

On Sunday we had our Christingle all age service with a message of having hope because God shows up just in the moments we need Him to.
Sunday 28th November
Small Group Notes

Is There Hope? - Hope Because God Knows When to Show Up
Emmie Hocking

On Sunday we had our Christingle all age service with a message of having hope because God shows up just in the moments we need Him to.
Sunday 28th November

Why We Gather - The Church As Family
Andrew & Rosie McNeil

Big Church
Andrew & Rosie finish our series by encouraging us to be a diverse and welcoming family to all those around us.

Sunday 21st November - Big Church
Small Group Notes

Why We Gather - The Bible
Mike Gowen

This week Adam and Mike looked at why we place a high value on reading, preaching and teaching through the Bible. We want to be shaped by God’s Big Story, ultimately reading the Bible is not about the book itself but to introduce us to the person of Jesus.

Sunday 14th November - South Site
Small Group Notes

Why We Gather - The Bible
Adam Pipe

This week Adam and Mike looked at why we place a high value on reading, preaching and teaching through the Bible. We want to be shaped by God’s Big Story, ultimately reading the Bible is not about the book itself but to introduce us to the person of Jesus.

Sunday 14th November - City Centre Site

Why We Gather - To Worship
Jon Solway

This week, we looked at the role gathered worship plays in our walks with Jesus, and the impact it can have on us and those around us.

Sunday 7th November - City Centre Site
Small Group Notes

Why We Gather - To Worship
Ben Robinson

This week, we looked at the role gathered worship plays in our walks with Jesus, and the impact it can have on us and those around us.

Sunday 7th November - City Centre Site

Why we gather - To encounter Jesus presence and welcome His work.
Andrew McNeil

Andrew and Rosie kick off our new sermon series about church with an exploration of why gathering together is essential for our faith.

Sunday 31st October - South Site
Small Group Notes

Why we gather - To encounter Jesus presence and welcome His work.
Rosie McNeil

Andrew and Rosie kick off our new sermon series about church with an exploration of why gathering together is essential for our faith.

Sunday 31st October - City Centre Site

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Joshua - Possessing the Promises of God
Jeff Stamps

God is faithful, he will keep his promises. We have inherited the promises of God through faith in Jesus, but if we are to possess them then it takes patience and a choice to put our faith in action.

Sunday 24th October - South Site
Small Group Notes

Joshua - Promises Promises: God's Goodness, Isreal's Responsibility
Aaron Smith

God is faithful, he will keep his promises. We have inherited the promises of God through faith in Jesus, but if we are to possess them then it takes patience and a choice to put our faith in action.

Sunday 24th October - City Centre Site AM

Joshua - A People of Grace and Faith
Jon Solway

The people of God are called to be those who act with faith and grace. This means learning to hear his voice and seeking him when they make decisions. It also means partnering with His plan to bring all types of people graciously into His family!

Sunday 17th October - City Centre Site AM
Small Group Notes

Joshua - A People of Grace and Faith
Becky Stamps

The people of God are called to be those who act with faith and grace. This means learning to hear his voice and seeking him when they make decisions. It also means partnering with His plan to bring all types of people graciously into His family!

Sunday 17th October - South Site

Joshua - Sin creates chaos, but God is always greater than sin
Kat Densham

This week Rachel and Kat take use through the disaster at Ai. A sharp contrast to the victory at Jericho, this story highlights the seriousness of sin and points us toward God’s provision of justice and new life through the cross of Christ.

Sunday 10th October - South Site
Small Group Notes

Joshua - Distaster or Kingdom Destiny?
Rachel Binder

This week Rachel and Kat take use through the disaster at Ai. A sharp contrast to the victory at Jericho, this story highlights the seriousness of sin and points us toward God’s provision of justice and new life through the cross of Christ.

Sunday 10th October - City Centre Site

Joshua - Jericho
Jo Ramdas-Harsia

This week Adam and Jo talk through Joshua 6 and how we can learn from the Israelites when we're navigating "walls" of difficult situations, in our families, in our workplaces and in our relationships which seem to be tightly shut.

Sunday 3rd October - City Centre Site
Small Group Notes

Joshua - Obedience, Identity, Encounter
Rosie McNeil

This week Rosie and Andrew share about principles for a journey of faith that we find in the book of Joshua.

Sunday 26th September - South Site
Small Group Notes

Joshua - Obedience, Identity, Encounter
Andrew McNeil

This week Rosie and Andrew share about principles for a journey of faith that we find in the book of Joshua.

Sunday 26th September - City Centre Site

Joshua - Crossing The River
Jon Solway

The Israelites’ journey to the promised land is reaching its final stages. This week we look at their final obstacle: crossing the river – and what lessons we can learn from their experience today!

Sunday 19th September - South Site
Small Group Notes

Joshua - Crossing The River
Paul Gatting

The Israelites’ journey to the promised land is reaching its final stages. This week we look at their final obstacle: crossing the river – and what lessons we can learn from their experience today!

Sunday 19th September - City Centre Site

Joshua - Spying with Eyes of Faith
Ruth Page

This week Ruth reminds us that like the spies in Joshua 2, we are called to get up and go into the places where God has sent us with eyes of faith and help people encounter Jesus.

Sunday 12th September
Small Group Notes

Joshua - The Desert’s Not Your Home
Andrew McNeil

This week Andrew talks about God being present in desert times. They are inevitable, but it’s not our home. God’s plans are good and the way of faith does require courage.

Sunday 5th September
Small Group Notes

Set Up The Tent!The “why” behind our regathering
Andrew & Rosie McNeil

We have to “set up the tent” before the adventure can begin. This week Andrew and Rosie shared 9 reasons that give the compelling “why” for us all to regather.

Sunday 29th August
Small Group Notes

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Firm Foundations - Foundations of Faith
Andrew McNeil

Storms are inevitable, wisdom is optional. This week Andrew unpacks how Jesus shows us how we can be wise and build on “firm foundations”.

Sunday 22nd August
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Do Not Judge
Abbi Wells

Jesus wants us to have life-giving and supporting relationships where we trade judgement for grace. This week Abbi shares about judging others and how to cultivate an environment of grace.

Sunday 15th August
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Do Not Worry
Mike Gowen

This week, Mike unpacks Jesus' 3 strategies for avoiding worry – each of them is like a vaccine, but without any undesirable side-effects!

Sunday 8th August
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Treasures in Heaven
Kat Densham

What does it look like to treasure Jesus above other things in our life? This week Kat shares about where Jesus says our focus and treasure should lie.

Sunday 1st August
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Prayer
Jo Ramdas-Harsia

Jesus teaches us how to approach prayer and how we look at what that teaches us about the nature of God and His relationship with us.

Sunday 25th July
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Seeking the Right Recognition
Jeff Stamps

In this talk Jeff discusses Jesus challenge to do good works for the reward of God rather than the recognition of others.

Sunday 18th July
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Radical Love
Rachel Binder

How are we to respond when we have been treated badly? Jesus’ startling teaching is to live out the radical love we have received from God through forgiving, praying blessing and returning good for evil. 

Sunday 11th July
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Truth and Integrity
Rosie McNeil

Everybody lies. It’s a fact of life. But Jesus challenges this and says there’s a better way to live which will lead to freedom and life. How can we respond to Jesus’s challenge to move towards truth and integrity?

Sunday 4th July
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Honouring Each Other & Relationships
Andrew McNeil

This week Andrew looked at the topics lust and divorce. These issues greatly impact people, and people matter to God. Regardless of relationship status or stage of life there are important and relevant truths to be learned about issues.

Sunday 27th June
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Anger
Paul Gatting

This week we continue Jesus' sermon on the mount by tackling the first of various practical struggles - anger. He challenges our focus on how good we appear and instead asks us what is going on in our hearts, then He gives us some practical advice on how to deal with that anger.

Sunday 20th June
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Jesus and The Old Testament
Adam Pipe

Adam looks at how Jesus wants to empower us by his Holy Spirit to live lives that outclass the law, to live lives of love, that are characterised by the beatitudes, and overflow to others around us.

Sunday 13th June
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Essential To Life
Ruth Page

This week Ruth continues our series on Firm Foundations. Just as salt and light are essential for life, so we as followers of Jesus are essential for bringing life to the world around us.

Sunday 6th June
Small Group Notes

Firm Foundations - Come To Me
Becky Stamps

Becky launches a new series looking at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. As we’re coming to how Jesus asks us to live, we want to start as His first listeners did, by coming to Jesus Himself. The life He has for us is an easy burden, where we find rest for our souls in living as He’s called us to, with His help.

Sunday 30th May
Small Group Notes

Big Church - May 2021
Steve Gee

Fear sees crisis and faith sees opportunity, we have experiences disruption. If we have eyes to see it God is opening up kingdom opportunities. How can we take hold of what God is doing and embrace the more God has for us?

Sunday 23rd May
Small Group Notes

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God's Provision, Our Generosity
Andrew McNeil

Andrew finished our series in Philippians this week, looking at generosity and closing with recommitting to following Jesus’ radical way.

Sunday 16th May
Small Group Notes

Philippians - Think on This...
Jo Ramdas-Harsia

This week Jo takes a look at an important verse, where Paul challenges us to consider carefully where we are focusing our thoughts.

Sunday 9th May
Small Group Notes

Philippians - Stand Firm, Rejoice & Pray
Rosie McNeil

This week Rosie looks at instructions from Paul on how to live as citizens of heaven here on earth, standing firm and handling our worries.

Sunday 2nd May
Small Group Notes

Philippians - Confidence in Christ
Adam Pipe

This week Adam explores how living as a Christian means seeing our own story as a living expression of Jesus' story.

Sunday 25th April
Small Group Notes

Philippians - Live As Lights to the World
Aaron Smith

We are called to be light to the world. But like the stars in the sky, our light, Paul says, can be hidden by pollution in our actions.

Sunday 18th April
Small Group Notes

Philippians - Seeing Jesus With Fresh Eyes
Abbi Wells

Jesus is a King and a God unlike any other. This week, Abbi explores God’s incredible self-sacrificial love and our invitation to the same.

Sunday 11th April
Small Group Notes

Easter Sunday
Becky Stamps

Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. Not only is there great historical evidence for this, but God also wants you to experience his love and comforting hope this Easter.

Sunday 4th April
Small Group Notes

Philippians - To Live Is Christ
Jon Solway

Things don’t always go our way. It can be easy to dwell in opportunities lost. This week, we look at an encouragement to keep going, to keep following Jesus, whatever we may face.

Sunday 28th March
Small Group Notes

Philippians - God Will Finish What He Started
Jeff Stamps

Jeff kicks off the sermon series with reflection on the promise of Philippians 1, that God will finish what he started in our lives through adoption into God’s family.

Sunday 21st March
Small Group Notes

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Wellbeing 10 - Habits for Maximum Wellbeing
Andrew McNeil

Andrew explores God’s care for our wellbeing and the invitation to stop, listen, and reset in this important time in history, preparing us to be the individuals and the church he is calling us to be.

Sunday 14th March
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 9 - Vocational Wellbeing
Adam Pipe

In this talk, Adam looks at how we can we be fully alive in our calling particularly our work. Drawing from Elijah’s encounters with three other characters Adam looks at how we can discover our calling, defend our wellbeing and develop the next generation.

Sunday 7th March
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 8 - Financial Wellbeing
Caplain Ramdas-Harsia

In this talk, Cap looks at God’s plan as an active provider in our finances, by addressing 3 basic mindsets and 3 practical suggestions on how we can take steps to improve our financial wellbeing.

Sunday 28th February
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 7 - Spiritual Wellbeing
Rosie McNeil

This week, Rosie explores the importance of keeping spiritually healthy and learning to listen to God on our journey towards greater wellbeing.

Sunday 21st February
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 6 - Mental Wellbeing
Andrew McNeil

We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health and what goes on in our thoughts really matters. This week, Andrew looks at how we can respond to life events from a mindset that factors in God, His perspective on what we face and His presence with us.

Sunday 14th February
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 5 - Relational Wellbeing
Jon Solway

This week, Jon looks at why healthy relationships are important, and how we can develop healthy relationships during this season.

Sunday 7th February
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 4 - Emotional Wellbeing
Becky Stamps

This week Becky takes a look at how Jesus responds to an emotionally-charged moment, being open with friends and taking the emotions to God. As followers of Jesus, we’re invited to emotional wellbeing.

Sunday 31st January
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 3 - Physical Wellbeing
Aaron Smith

Your physical wellbeing matters to God and God’s provision for Elijah’s physical health helps us see the importance that sleep, eating well and exercising has on our wellbeing as a whole.

Sunday 24th January
Small Group Notes

Wellbeing 2 - A Wellbeing Mindset
Rosie McNeil

Rosie continues the series by exploring the importance of our mindset on our journey towards greater wellbeing, focusing our identity as children of God, our self-awareness and our ability to move towards change.

Sunday 17th January
Small Group Notes
Daily Affirmations

Wellbeing 1 - A Journey of Greater Wellbeing
Andrew McNeil

The Wellbeing Journey is a series to help us honestly address key challenges in these times and we want to start 2021 on this holistic journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual, wellbeing. On Sunday, Andrew started the series with an overview of wellbeing.

Sunday 10th January
Small Group Notes
Dashboards of Wellbeing

The way out is the way through
Charles Montgomery

To welcome in the New Year, we enjoyed a talk from guest speaker Dr. Charles Montgomery about how God leads his people through the wilderness in order to grow them, using the story of the Israelites' journey from Egypt.

Sunday 3rd January
Small Group Notes