Through this series we will be exploring encounters that Jesus had with people throughout his ministry, how he challenged them, and how he disruptive their lives! Every story will be taken from John’s Gospel, so why not get ahead by reading through it all!
Sunday 9th March
Join us in this short teaching series following Jesus’ teaching on our relationship with money and possessions. Jesus knew that money can be a rival to God in our hearts and so money was a central theme in many of His teachings and parables. As we follow this series we’ll see how we can handle and think of money well, leading us to the true riches of a deeper relationship with Jesus!
Sunday 23rd February
Sunday 16th February
Sunday 9th February
Audio for South Site will be delayed this week. For small groups this week - preachers notes are attached here.
Sunday 2nd FEBRuary
Sunday 26th January
Sunday 19th January
Sunday 12th January
Sunday 5th January
This Sunday at City Centre Site, Geoff & Caz Shave started our new series ‘Broadcast’, looking at how the parable of the sower teaches us how to share the message of God's love widely with those around us.
This Sunday at South Site, a panel of wonderful people share their experiences of evangelism and extending God’s love to those around them, through a multitude of ways. Be ready to be inspired!