We believe that children are a vital part of our church and therefore we want them to be actively involved in worship, reading the Bible, prayer, ministry, serving, giving and sharing God’s heart for the poor and those that don't yet know Jesus. 


There are options for children at all of our sites, with groups at our City Centre 10:30am & 5:00pm. South 10:30am and East 3:30pm services.

More details are below.


Not able to make it into church this week? We have a great catalogue of online content that we produced during lockdown. Find it on youtube here:


Join us At Stay and Play

Parents & carers of children 5 and under are welcome to join us Fridays during term time for activities, craft, snacks, songs and fun!

10:00 - 11:30AM, FRIDAYS
B5 7EP


New to Birmingham Vineyard?

We’d love to meet you and learn about how we can support your family! Click through to connect:


So, what happens each Sunday for your kids to connect with?

South Site 10:30

Robins (0-3s)
We’d love for you to bring your baby or toddler along to a wonderful space to encounter Jesus together through bible stories, worship, craft and playing together led by our amazing team. You are welcome to drop your child off or stay with them, whatever works best for your family.

Swallows and Kestrels (Reception to Year 5)
There is a group for primary school-aged children led by our Kids team every week. We worship all together for the first part of the service before the children are dropped off to their group for games, bible teaching, snacks, craft and more. Year 6s are part of our Youth provision at South Site.

City Centre 10:30

Wrens (0-2s Group)
We’d love for you to bring your baby or toddler along to a wonderful space to encounter Jesus together through bible stories, worship, craft and playing together led by our amazing team. The service livestream will be available, so you can still engage in the service alongside spending time with other families. We ask that you stay with your children in this group.

Puffins (Rising 3s – Year 2)
On the first floor we have a fantastic group led by our Kids team, with worship, Bible stories, activities, snacks and time to play together. You are welcome to drop your child off or stay with them, whatever works best for your family.

Eagles (Year 3 – Year 6)
There will be a group for children in Years 3-6 on the top floor led by Kids team. Parents are welcome to drop kids off and attend the service downstairs. We’ll be playing games, worshipping, learning from the Bible and eating snacks, taking time to connect with each other and God.

Sign in and drop off your children from 10:15 and pick them up after the service.

City Centre 17:00

Nightingales (0-4s group)
We have a wonderful creche available where you can drop off your little ones with our amazing team who can play with them, sing along with the worship, tell a story from the Bible and make a craft together.

Owls (Rec – Year 6)
There will be a group for primary school-aged children on the top floor led by Kids team. Parents are welcome to drop kids off and attend the service downstairs. We’ll be playing games, worshipping, learning from the Bible, eating snacks & taking time to connect with each other and God.

Sign in and drop off your children from 16:45 and pick them up after the service.

East Site 15:30

Please note: All age ranges are approximate; children are welcome to join the group they feel is most appropriate to them.

Hummingbirds (Pre-school – Year 1)
Younger children, who are happy to be away from their parents for a short while and who can play independently, are invited to enjoy supervised time with songs, stories, toys and games during the main service.

Kingfishers (Year 1 – Year 6)
Older children are invited to their own session with games, crafts, discussion and learning from the Bible, taking time to connect with each other and with God.

Please sign your children in as soon as you arrive at church (sign-in will be near the refreshments table).  Please bring your children through to their groups after worship (the service leaders will tell you when), and then return to collect them at the end of the service.

For more information on any of the above, email laurenm@birminghamvineyard.com


Looking for some resources to do with your children at home?

We’ve got interactive videos, animations and resource sheets from past series all available on our Kids Stream Page! Check it out:

Our Kids ministry is led by Lauren Morris, together with a whole bunch of wonderful volunteers that make our kids groups as awesome as they are.

Lauren Morris

Lauren Morris, Kids & Families Pastor


We take child protection seriously so all our team members are DBS checked, trained and adhere to strict procedures.

Read our Safeguarding Policy here

If you have any questions about the policy please email our Safeguarding Leads, Lauren Morris or Jo Ramdas-Harsia:

If you would like to report anything to our Safeguarding Leads (no matter how big or small), please fill in this form