Impact Report - Finance

We’re so thankful that we are a church where God is working.  Good things are happening in every small group, Sunday space and ministry. We see care and community, answered prayers, discipleship and growth. This month we’ve started another two new small groups and we’ve celebrated baptisms at every site. In each service we have people who are coming to follow Jesus and find a spiritual home in this church. 

Become part of that story of generosity that will invest in what is happening now and will impact those yet to come.

This is only possible when people choose to give a proportion of their income each month to support the mission of the church. Each month 133 families or individuals choose to give as an act of worship. This enables us as Birmingham Vineyard to do everything we do. 

That means that a committed core of people are paying for every cup of coffee, every resource used in kids and youth, every space we hire or when we pay other expenses related to ministry. Giving enables every hour of team members paid time to serve in upfront roles or behind the scenes.

If you are one of those people then a huge thank you for your generosity. If you're not yet, then we’re sure that you are grateful and we know you’ll have been blessed (benefited) from someone else’s generosity. The invitation to everyone is to “pay it forward.” Become part of that story of generosity that will invest in what is happening now and will impact those yet to come.

We are a church of 400-450 adults and at least 600 including children and youth. Can you imagine what God might do if we all played our part in this story of generosity? Needs would be met, ministry would multiply and we’d have the resources to do everything we’re called to do. When we give to the local church we have an exceptional level of financial accountability. You get to see the impact of your giving every single week.

We’re praying for an increase in giving in 2025 so we can invest in the mission of Birmingham Vineyard which is expressed through each site and ministry.

In 2024 we set a budget that involved spending some of our church savings to enable ministry to grow. We also had some significant additional costs this year in a range of areas from ministry to buildings and other large bills (increased utilities etc). As we approach the end of 2024 our projected regular income is approximately £550,000. Once we have claimed back gift aid from the UK government that figure increases to approximately £650,000.  

We’re praying for an increase in giving in 2025 so we can invest in the mission of Birmingham Vineyard which is expressed through each site and ministry.

To make this specific, we’re praying for an additional £100,000 income in 2025’s budget. That can come from a combination of an increase in monthly regular giving and one off financial gifts. 

Numerical growth and financial growth need to keep in step if we are to keep healthy as we grow. The Bible describes giving like sowing seeds, we’re investing for a greater harvest. When we have the right resources, needs are met, ministry multiples and we see the Kingdom of God advance.

One strategic development is that we believe our site pastors need some dedicated employed time to support the growth and health of the sites they lead. This won’t be full time but it's not right for it to be done in free time (as some do at present). 

When we have the right resources, needs are met, ministry multiples and we see the Kingdom of God advance.

We’ve also appointed Liisa Wiseman as our Operations Manager. This is the right appointment at the right time. If we can take some administrative and operational burden off sites and ministries then pastors and ministry leaders can focus on the central leadership job of health and growth. They are called to make disciples, mobilising people and teams, expressing care through groups, reaching people and raising leaders.

If you consider Birmingham Vineyard your church community, we are asking you to prayerfully consider the next step in a journey of generosity.

So, what’s your next step? 

Initial - Make a start

Maybe you’ve never considered that your giving can make a difference. The heart and attitude is more significant than the figure, as “where our treasure is our heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:21 

Planned - Make it regular 

It makes it much easier to steward and plan our church budget when we see planned giving. 1 Corinthians 16:2

Faithful - Make it part of your budget & a percentage of your income

Biblical giving is proportional and God never singles out big figures but the generous hearted who trust him in the journey of generosity.  Luke 21:1-4

Radical - Make it a way of life

Be expectant the Holy Spirit will lead you.  2 Corinthians 9:6-11

If you have any questions about the governance and handling of church finances you can reach out to our trustees. Learn more here.

You can also talk to your Site Pastor or any member of the staff team.

If you’d like to start giving or make changes to your current giving plan you can visit the Giving Page on our website.