
East Site Update

East Site Update

Our East Site is entering a new season! Now that we have finished the Alpha course, which we have been doing for the past three months, we are delighted to announce that we will be meeting weekly at East Site from Palm Sunday onwards.

All are welcome to join us, or visit! Our services start at 3:30PM on Sundays at St Michael’s Church Centre, B28 9NU on the border of Hall Green and southern Olton (Solihull), and we have provision for both school age kids and youth.

How can you be involved?

  1. Please spread the word among friends and colleagues living in East Birmingham and adjoining parts of Solihull who may be interested in exploring faith or finding a church.

  2. Please be praying for us as we begin to “launch” as a full site: that we as an East congregation will keep focused on Jesus, be filled with the Spirit and grow as a diverse and welcoming community; and especially that God will bring many through our doors to encounter Him over these next few months.

If you have any questions about East Site, you can contact Rachel at rachelb@birminghamvineyard.com

Rachel & Chris Binder,
East Site Pastors

Staff Update - Farewell Aaron!

Our Assistant Pastor Aaron, who oversees our youth, will be moving on in May to take on a new role with The National Youth Agency. We are so excited for Aaron to take on this new challenge and be using his giftings on a national scale. 

Aaron's stepping out of this role will leave a gap. Can we replace Aaron? No, because he's unique, and in that sense irreplaceable! We will; however, want to ensure that Youth has the right leadership and resources going forward.

We'll be looking for someone else to join the staff team to build on the work that Aaron has led. There is a plan in place to make sure Youth can carry on as normal during the process of Aaron leaving and finding a new person to lead the Youth ministry. Currently there are no planned changes in terms of Youth provisions at BV so Friday and Sunday Youth sessions will continue to happen as normal. The leadership team are praying and closely following the Lord’s leading as they seek direction for the future. In the long term, we are a growing church, and the Youth ministry will continue to shape and evolve over time as God leads. 

We want to end this by saying a huge thank you to Aaron and his family! We are hugely grateful for all he has brought to the young people, the team and the church as a whole.

For more info check out the FAQs below: 

1. So, what has prompted this?

Any change can always spark speculation. Let us be crystal clear this is not because Aaron has had any form of falling out or disagreement or some ongoing dispute with Andrew, Rosie or the church leadership. Nor is it because Aaron has had some kind of moral failure. 

Aimee and Aaron have felt for a few months that God has been stirring them that something is going to/needs to change for their family. Aaron was closely listening to God to see if it was time to move on from his role, it became clear whilst going through this process that the move is one which is needed/right for now. His new role will allow greater home-working and more predictable work hours, which is important for him at this stage of family life. We see this and want to release Aaron with our love and blessing.  

2. When will Aaron be leaving?

Aaron will be leaving in early to mid may once my three-month notice period has come to an end.

3. So what does this mean for the future of Youth?

We know that God has good things in store for BV Youth. There is a plan in place to make sure Youth can carry on as normal during the process of Aaron leaving, & finding a new person to lead the Youth ministry. The leadership team are praying & closely following the Lord’s leading as they seek direction for the future. We will keep you updated to more specific & practical things, but we want you to know there is a plan in place for the short term.

4. What is the process for finding a replacement?

The job will be advertised in the coming months so internal and external candidates can apply. The hope is that the position will be filled prior to DTI, but the outer date for requirement would be that a new person will be in place by September

5. Who do I contact about youth stuff?

Aaron is still the main point of contact until he concludes his employment. Before he leaves we’ll give clarity about leadership and who to contact with questions etc. We’ll make sure this is clear. We’re also so grateful that the existing youth leaders remain present throughout this transition. 

6. Will Aaron still be around at BV?

Firstly, Aaron & his family love BV. They have been part of this wonderful community for 8 years and have formed many deep friendships. One of the challenges that they have really noticed is the distance from their home to church. Something Aaron is aware of is giving space to the person who will be taking on the new role, so they don’t feel undermined or uncomfortable with Aaron still around. For now, they are taking some time to pray and think about where God would want them to be as a family.

7. What does this mean for Youth?

For now, there is no change in terms of Youth provisions at BV. Fridays & Sundays will continue to happen as normal. In the long term, we are a growing church, and the youth ministry will continue to shape & evolve over time as God leads.

Summer Sunday Services

Summer is Here!

During the summer we love to make a more relaxed space for people, so whilst we are having services at our usual times (10:30am, 11am, 5:30pm) we will be doing something a little special each week. Take a look below for more details:

July 30th - Cafe Church
Come along for relaxed, cafe-style services at all sites. 

August 6th - Board Games
The morning services will happen as normal. After the evening-service however you can stick around to play board games. Bring your games!

August 13th - Ice Cream
When it's a hot summers day you need some cooling down. That's why we're serving ice-cream after every service.

August 20th - Strawberries and cream
We like to treat everyone with strawberries and cream after every service. Enjoy, it's on us!

August 27th - Community Sunday
We will have no morning services but we'd like to invite everyone to a picnic at the south site.
Join us in the evening for a worship night at City Centre Site.
The picnic is from 11am until 2pm.
The worship night is from 5.30pm until 7.30pm.

September 3rd - Board games
The morning services will happen as normal. After the evening-service however you can stick around to play board games. Bring your games!