
The word for ‘church’ in the New Testament is ekklesia - the gathering. It’s used to mean any group of people coming together for a specific purpose, and in a Christian sense is used for the local church, the worldwide church or any number of believers, large or small, in any space (including those in heaven) who are together for the purpose of worshipping and seeking Christ.

‘Gathering’ means ‘to bring together’. Jesus’ longing is to gather us and everyone around us, under his protection and into his presence and love, like a mother bird with her young.

We are the church, and we gather.

We have gathered online, we’ve gathered in gardens, in parks, on social media, on video, on group chats. On July 4th 2021, we (the Birmingham Vineyard local church) hope to begin to gather on Sundays in person.

We will also need to gather other things.

We gather our strength. Many are tired, sad, frustrated after a long fight.

We gather our courage, to step into the new world that is opening around us. Not back into what was but forward into what is and what God is making available.

We will gather our friends that remain back to us. As we do, we may find in our hands the sadness of those we have lost or who have moved on.

We will gather what we may not have expected. New friends we’ve never met in person. Those who’ve met with Jesus online or who have returned to Him after a long absence.

We will gather the fruit of our prayers and tears, our reaching-out messages and thoughtful ‘I miss you’ gifts, as old friendships are found to be deeper and new ones kindled brightly before they’re even begun. There will be a gathering of harvest, of those who are coming to faith and coming into the gathered spaces of our church.

There will be a gathering of shared stories, experiences, wonders and memories of God’s closeness and goodness through everything.

We will gather, beloved church. Slowly, carefully, kindly, gently, joyfully, we will begin to pick up what God has made available, and enjoy it. We will treasure His gifts together. We will worship, learn, cry, talk, laugh, play and feast.

We will be the church, in new and old ways, gathering.

He will be God, as He has always been, gathering us into Himself.

Click the button below to book a seat for Sunday services:

Welcome to the team, Cap and Jo!

We are delighted to welcome aboard Cap and Jo Ramdas-Harsia!

Please see the letter below from Andrew and Rosie, sharing more about what they’ll be up to.

Dear church family,

We are very excited to share with you that Cap and Jo Ramdas-Harsia have joined the Birmingham Vineyard staff team. Cap will be Executive Pastor and Jo will be an Assistant Pastor. This will be alongside their existing roles as Site Pastors in the City Centre morning service.

Cap will be working one day a week, overseeing some of the operational areas of running the church, such as finance, HR and facilities. Jo will work two days a week to provide oversight for Sozo, prayer and prophecy areas that she has already been involved in, along with a few other areas. She will also be available for pastoral care for leaders and for church members.

We are so grateful to have Cap and Jo joining the staff team. Cap has years of senior experience in a range of organisations and his time as a Birmingham Vineyard trustee has proven that his knowledge, alongside his heart for the church, will help us significantly. Jo has already been involved in serving our church in a variety of ways and what she brings is greatly valued. Cap and Jo were senior pastors at their church in Leeds before moving to Birmingham. With their experience, gifts, and heart for our church and city we absolutely believe they are the right people for these roles.

At a time when our congregation is becoming more diverse, it’s a joy to see diversity expressed on our staff team at a senior level. We feel that this appointment is both practical and prophetic. Practical in that their character and competence will cover the needs we have and prophetic in that Birmingham Vineyard is called to be a place where people of diverse and different backgrounds can fulfil their calling in life, faith and leadership. Please join us in welcoming them to the staff team and celebrating this moment with us.

Much love,

Andrew and Rosie

Feel free to reach out and welcome them to the team!



Job Vacancy // Social Media Co-ordinator

Are you passionate about sharing the love of Jesus through online and social media methods?

We’re recruiting for a part-time Social Media Co-ordinator!

We’re in the process of redefining and refocusing our online presence and recognise the importance of strong social media. In the role of social media co-ordinator, the applicant would be responsible for planning and delivering social media content across a variety of platforms.

The applicant would work closely with the different ministry areas of the church to promote their vision and values in a way that is accessible to those who regularly attend the church and those who are exploring. Not only does this role see to the delivery of and engagement with social media posts, there is the desire for the co-ordinator to recruit and oversee a volunteer social media team, which would provide increased output. It’s a unique opportunity to create content, work with a team, and shape the online presence for a church, which is of increasingly significant importance.

To request the job description, please email with the subject “Social Media Co-ordinator”.


If you would like to apply for this job, please email a CV including at least 2 references and a covering letter explaining how your skills and experience fit the job description to

The closing date for applications is Friday 2nd July 2021.

Initial interviews are provisionally planned for the week commencing Monday 12th July 2021.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact our office at or 01216221230.

Big Church Recap // One church, one story, many places

What a fun time we had at Big Church on Sunday!

Though we are spread across the city, it’s such a gift to come together online for celebrating the ways that God is moving in and through the BV community. We got to kick off the day with a fun virtual Bake Along with Rosie! During the Big Church service we celebrated seven people being baptised, heard some stories of people taking risks to share Jesus with others and worshipped along with a virtual choir. There was a great talk by Steve Gee from Northampton Vineyard about the opportunities presented in a time of disruption and prayed for each other online.

Here are some photos from the day, enjoy!

If you missed the service, you can catch up on our YouTube channel:

The Scattering: Birmingham Vineyard Worship's New EP


We are really excited about Birmingham Vineyard Worship’s New EP,
entitled ‘The Scattering’

Out on 18/04/21

IMG_8731 - B&W.jpg

This year, we’ve all been scattered away from church and into our own homes. We’ve had to learn what it looks like to connect with God in an environment with lots of distractions, not to mention the external pressures and stresses of this season. We believe that this was, in some way, what the Christian faith was intended to be: experiencing God in the every day, and not just on a Sunday.

Therefore, we wanted to release an EP that would help people to experience God as they found themselves scattered across our city, finding God in the day to day, and enabling the normal to become a sacred space of connection.

These songs focus on themes of finding our hearts desires in God alone, encountering Him to find rest and peace, and fostering a relationship of dependence with Jesus. All of these things have never been as relevant, and as necessary to our lives, as they have been in this season.

The sound of this EP is very chilled out, great for having on in the background while you spend time with God, eat dinner, or do the dishes. We hope that through the song themes, and the sonic experience, that you will find peace and connection with Jesus.


This project is special to us in a number of ways:

Firstly, all the songs have been written by gifted songwriters who are part of our church community. As a result, these songs represent the story, values and beliefs of our church.

Secondly, everyone involved is part of our church: all the musicians, songwriters, producers, audio & video teams - and the vast majority being volunteers. They are teachers, professionals, creatives, carers, parents, singles and married. There is strength in a project when those who contribute are coming from many different experiences and walks of life.

Thirdly, all of it was recorded during lockdown, and a number of songs were written over Zoom. We’re so proud of the amazing team who put this all together despite being in a lockdown: overlooking their own uncertainties and time commitments in order to bring us into connection with God.

This EP will be on all the usual music platforms, including
iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube and more.

We’d love to encourage you, if possible to buy a digital copy, as this money will help the team to develop future releases and continue to release music that brings God’s Kingdom.


connect with birmingham vineyard worship’s social media:


Lent 2021 Resources

Lent is a time when millions of Christians around the world take time to draw closer to God and reflect on the sacrifice of jesus in the lead up to Easter.

Beginning on Ash Wednesday (17th Feb), the 40 days of Lent is when we remember the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying. It was during these 40 days that Jesus made the choice to work in God’s way, however hard that might be.

Lent is a season of fasting (giving stuff up) & repentance (recognising what we've done wrong), leading up to Easter, as we celebrate what Jesus has done for us.

It's an encouragement to turn back to God once again, with renewed passion. We devote ourselves through prayer, fasting and giving.

If you'd like to join in this season, we thought we'd put together a few helpful resources to get you started!


Lent Group - Study of Bach’s “St. John Passion”

This six week Lent Bible study and meditation will use Bach's “St. John Passion”. You’re welcome to come along on Monday evenings at 7.45pm, starting 22nd February, for an hour on zoom. Each session is a standalone scene from the Passion, but to appreciate the full story-line and to hear the complete Passion oratorio, come to them all!

If you're interested, have questions or for the zoom link, please send Liz an email at


Fasting: Basic info & ideas

Check out this helpful intro on what fasting is, what it isn’t and some ideas on how to fast during Lent.

Generosity & Giving


Local Foodbanks

Many people have needed to use emergency foodbanks in the past year, due to the pandemic. Why not consider giving up something you normally treat yourself to (takeaways, entertainment subscriptions, cake, etc.) and give to your local foodbank through lent?

The Trussell Trust has multiple locations throughout Birmingham and supports people with essential food parcels. From donating food, volunteering your time or taking on an fundraising challenge, there are lots of ways to get involved with raising awareness of poverty and helping end UK hunger.

Birmingham Vineyard’s Foodbank has received such generous donations over the past few months and are regularly providing food and toiletries parcels to agency workers for their clients. You can learn more and give a financial donation through our website -


Generosity Challenges
40 Acts

What if Lent could be about more than just giving stuff up? What if it could be a time of radical generosity as well as spiritual discipline? 40acts is the generosity challenge for Lent, created by UK Christian charity, Stewardship. They’ve been running for 10 years and though they won’t be releasing new challenges for 2021, there are lots of resources on their website that you can use:

Devotionals and Prayer Resources


Lent for Everyone: Daily Devotionals

NT Wright has written a series of devotionals, one for each day, over 53 days. Each day, there is a Bible reading, and a thought from NT Wright about how it relates to Easter.

Lent 2021
24/7 Prayer

Join us this Lent, as we journey to Easter with three key resources to help process uncertainty, disappointment and unanswered prayer.

Lent Devotional

We all tell ourselves stories about who we are: as individuals, as communities and as the church. But there’s a bigger story – one that changes everything. It’s the story of God, and we’re invited to be a part of it. Join us as we prepare for Easter by revisiting the story that lays the foundation for who we are and how we live.

Lockdown 3.0 Update

Andrew and Rosie share with us about the current lockdown and how it will impact our Sunday services and events.

“So you will all have heard the PM’s message last night about entering into a new lockdown. The facts are stark - rising Covid infections, pressure on the NHS and a new strain of the virus which is harder to contain. The current guidance does still allow churches to meet for corporate worship. However we met as a team this morning and asked the question, “Just because we can meet, does it mean we should meet?”

So in an effort to keep both ourselves and our communities safe, we feel that the wisest decision is to only have our Sunday services online. So for now - no in-person services. We’ll continue meeting online at 10:30 and 5:30 every Sunday on YouTube and the Church Online platform. (

At this time of lockdown again, it’s so important to keep connected with one another. If you’re not in a small group or connected to a community, we’d really encourage you to get involved so you can do life together with others, during this really tough time. (

And we’d also love you to join us on the after-church zoom calls, which give us a chance to chat and connect in smaller groups and to meet others in church in a relaxed and friendly way. The zoom calls have been such fun and allow us to talk with people we might not otherwise talk to.

Hebrews 10: And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.

For those of you who connect with youth, Aaron is really looking forward to being able to gather together again but until that’s possible please do join in on Friday nights for a social catch up with games, prizes and loads of fun to wrap up the week and on Sunday nights for a new series called Insights. You can find more information on the website. (

For children we’re continuing with the kids and families all-age talk on Sunday mornings. You can find that on YouTube. Then at 9.45 until 10.15 there’s a fun Family encounter zoom group for all ages. If you have children in years 5 and 6, there’s a small group every Sunday night at 5.30. (

We know this is a hard season so we’re starting a sermon series this week called Wellbeing. (

We want to reassure you that we are constantly reviewing what we do and trying to keep up with the government guidance. Just as soon as we’re able to we can’t wait to be able to gather again in person.”

Happy Christmas!

Wherever you are and however you're celebrating this year, we're praying that you know God's presence this Christmas. We may not be able to meet in person like normal, but we have a couple of great moments that you can check out!

Christmas Day Message from the McNeil's - 9:00am
On Christmas morning Andrew and Rosie will be hosting a short Christmas day reflection. It goes live at 9:00am, but you can watch it on our website or on youtube anytime you like!

Christmas Day - Zoom Call - 10:30am
While it may not be the doughnut filled Christmas day service we love, we're looking to meeting for a short Christmas Day Zoom call from 10:30am. All are welcome to join, so break out your festive snacks, Christmas jumpers and maybe the odd cracker joke!?

Making A Difference This Christmas

Our Foodbank is partnering with local agencies to provide Christmas Essentials Hampers for individuals & families in Brum who have had a difficult year.

Our Foodbank agency partners have identified 75 families that would really benefit from some Christmas hope & cheer this season.
Can you partner with us in providing hampers for each of these families?

We’re aware that shopping can be difficult during lockdown, so we have three simple ways that you can be involved in the
Christmas Hamper Appeal.

How You Can Get Involved

⓵ Contribute financially

You can give a financial donation online, which will go towards purchasing items for Christmas Hampers and Foodbank supplies in 2021.


⓶ Purchase items through our Amazon Wishlist

You can purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist and have them sent directly to church - easy peasy!

⓷ Create a Christmas Hamper

Consider inviting your small group, family, street or groups of friends to join you in creating a full Christmas Hamper. Pop through your details in the form below and we’ll be in touch with a list of Hamper contents and drop-off instructions.

Foodbank Christmas Hamper list (2).jpg

If you have any questions about contributing to the Christmas Hamper Appeal, get in touch -
or ring the office 0121 622 1230.

Thank you for making a difference to individuals & families
in Birmingham.

A New Season

At the start of this new season, we are so excited about everything God is doing in Birmingham through the Church and His people.

The coming months will continue to bring change and require flexibility, patience and lots of love. We bless you to press into what God is inviting you into and for you to find your hope and security in Him.

Here’s Andrew, our Senior Pastor, sharing a few things that have been on his heart at the start of this new season.

New to Birmingham? Welcome!

If you’ve recently moved to Birmingham, a very warm welcome to you and we hope your first few months in this vibrant city are full of blessings. If you are looking for connection with others and to get plugged into a community where you can use your passions and talents to make a difference in the world, get in touch with us.

We would love to hear from you and learn how we can support you, get you connected and find your fit in Birmingham. Click the button below, pop through your details and one of our team will be in touch. If you’re a uni student, the Young Adults team will help you connect with other people in your season of life.

How can we pray for you in this new season?

Perhaps you are experiencing a life change this season, or maybe nothing has changed and you’re continuing on daily life during this time of uncertainty. No matter what is going on in your life, we’d love to come alongside you and support you in prayer.

During every Sunday Stream there is an opportunity to receive live prayer via chat with one of the team (, or you can pop through your prayer request to our office by sending us a message (

Have a lovely September!

Summer Fun 2020

Summer is here and there are some great opportunities for you to live life to the full by connecting with others in a socially-distanced way!

Friday Prayer @ City Centre Site // Fridays in August, 12:45-14:00

We are really excited to announce that we’ll be opening up the building on Friday afternoons in August for a time of prayer. You are invited to come and be led in a short prayer by one of our team. Once the led prayer has finished you can pray and reflect however you would like for the remainder of the time. We want to assure you that we are taking precautions and following all of the government guidance to make these times as safe as possible. 

Pre-registration is required: 
As per Government guidelines, masks are also required, please bring your own mask

Kids Park Meetups // Various Days in August

Join up with other families for a time of play & socially-distant activities led by our amazing Kids Team!

Pre-registration is required. Email Lauren for details and sign up info -

“Agents of Shield” Zoom group // Various Days in August

As lockdown eases, we'd love to make sure that those of us who are still shielding or needing extra protective measures have support and feel connected with their church family. Come along to our first evening, 3rd August at 7:30pm (Zoom Meeting ID: 836 6353 8751, Passcode: Vineyard) or email Maddy for more details

online Escape Room // friday, 21st August, 20:00

Looking to solve some puzzles, outsmart the competition and win undying glory from the comfort of your sofa? In teams of 4, we'll be attempting to solve an online escape room - fastest time wins a prize!

Pre-registration is required:


Our Communities & Small Groups are connecting in various ways throughout the summer, so if you’re not yet involved in a Community and would like to be, send us an email at and we’ll help you connect.

An Update on Sunday Services

We were all excited to hear the news last week that the government is lifting restrictions on churches being able to meet. This brought us a sense of excitement and anticipation.

However, on Monday, the small print was released! 

The headline sounds great but the list of restrictions is lengthy.  For example…


  • Gathered church can't involve any congregational sung worship.  

  • The guidelines advise against social interaction between anyone except your household or your "bubble."

  • Children have to remain with their parents at all times.

  • Two meters distance must be maintained and if that's not possible face masks are advised. 

  • Communion and prayer that involve any interaction are not permitted, nor are hospitality or refreshments.


Considering all these restrictions and more, we just don't think we can responsibly meet in person for church yet. We so miss seeing you all and being in the room together but so much of what we treasure about church wouldn't be able to happen. 

Our primary concern is the health and safety of everyone who gathers with us and whilst there is a hunger to meet again, the risks and restrictions are still too limiting.

So, it's with heavy hearts that we've made the decision that we will not be meeting in the building on Sunday (5th July) or in the short to medium term. We have talked with the leadership team of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland and understand that most Vineyard churches will not be meeting in their buildings this summer. 

We do eagerly await being able to meet again in person and we are actively making detailed arrangements to do that safely, well and wisely. We'll communicate more about what to expect in the coming weeks. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions for us, then please do email and chat to us. 

See you at online church this Sunday, at 10:00, 11:30 or 17:30!

An Invitation To Each of Us

Transcript from Andrew & Rosie’s message from Sunday, 14th June:

All of you will know that the horrifying death of George Floyd in the USA has caused both outrage and trauma for so many. Such discrimination and treatment of a human being is abhorrent and in complete contrast to the example set by the life and teachings of Jesus. 

On Thursday we made a statement in response to the events of the last few weeks. This pandemic and the lockdown is allowing us to address big things in our world and the subject of racism and injustice requires our attention and our action. 

We’d invite you all to read our blog or watch our video that was posted on Thursday. See our website and Facebook pages.

As we gather today we want to look at how we can all make a difference.

You’ll be familiar with our vision statement which is to “Follow Jesus, Live life to the full and to make a difference.”

Each Sunday during lockdown, we’ve been taking time to hear from someone in our church community who is making a difference. Well today we want to turn that around and ask that question of us all. Today we want to make the question personal. “Jesus - How can I make a difference?” 

Can you make this your prayer? This has certainly been our prayer this week. 

Although we are individual people with different experiences we know that as followers of Jesus we are all connected to God and to each other. The bible describes us as brothers and sisters in God’s family.

To restate what we’ve already expressed.  We emphatically condemn racism in all its forms. Racism is a violation of the character of God and an insult to his image that is expressed in every person.

As your leaders, we’re not just making a comment in this cultural moment, we’re committed to listening, learning and leading differently.

Today we want to speak in three ways. 

  1.   As your leaders. 

  2.   To all of you from a Black Asian Minority Ethnic background. 

  3.   To everyone in our church family. 

From Us - Andrew & Rosie as church leaders and leading our team  

We start by acknowledging the issues. Racism is sin. It’s evil and unjust and sadly it’s the experience of many people.

We are committed to listening, learning and action.

Listening - being present in honest conversations. We’re going to be hosting some forums in the next few weeks to talk to those from Black Asian and Ethnic minority backgrounds to hear your stories, to understand your lived reality. We really want you to join us at those gatherings.  

We are committed to learning.  We don’t know what we don’t know. 

We are committed to action - to prayer and to a clear plan for the months ahead. 

This week we’ll post advance dates and details of those gatherings. We’ll restate those next Sunday as well. 

Now we want to speak to those of you who are from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic community. 

If you currently see or could see Birmingham Vineyard as your home church, then our invitation is that you would fully engage in this conversation with us. 

We want you to know that we see you, we love you, we care and we want to learn from you and with you. 

We’d ask you to come to the forums we’re planning and be courageously honest about the things that affect you. (To find out more, click here:

Speak the truth in love so we can grow together.  Engage with us, help us learn and help us identify our next steps. 

For Everyone: How we can all make a difference? 

Some of you are largely unaffected by these issues of injustice and racism. You may not have any first-hand experience of the prejudice that many of our brothers and sisters face. 

There are times when as a church family, we celebrate; we express our joy together before the Lord. But there are also times when, as a body, we stand with, kneel with, hurt with, cry with, and pray with, those brothers and sisters who are mourning, those in our family who experience injustice, violence, and struggle. It is our calling as followers of Jesus to mourn with those who mourn, laugh with those who laugh, weep with those who weep. 

We act as Christ when we comfort each other and walk with each other. 

I spent 2 hours this week in conversation and prayer with senior Church leaders from both black and white led denominations and Churches in Birmingham. We all realised that more than ever we need to respond to this moment inspired by the example and spirit of Jesus. 

The church has a part to play in showing the world what a healthy vibrant community can look like. 

Our only hope is found in turning to Jesus. He is the light that is needed in this present darkness. 

We need Jesus. He reminds us that we’re all equally loved children made in God’s image.

We need Jesus. He provides a way for us to break free from the sinful selfishness of the human heart. 

We need Jesus. He shows us mercy and leads us to places of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. 

We need Jesus. He challenges us to speak for justice in a world of blatant systemic and historic inequality. 

We need Jesus. He has promised us the hope that his kingdom will come and his will be done as we pray and work for change.

We need Jesus. He reminds us there is a day to come where a great multitude that no one will be able to number, from every nation, from every tribe, and people and language, will stand before the throne of heaven as one. 

And until that day comes. We need action. 

Action that puts the words and vision of Jesus into practice. Action that protects all our brothers and sisters. Action through people that repent and re-orientate. Action that ushers in the promise of God’s kingdom. Action that is fuelled by God’s spirit. Action that leads to transformation and justice for all. 

God help us to be part of your kingdom coming on earth, as it is in heaven. 

We invite you to pray. “Jesus please lead me - How can I make a difference?” 

A Message from Andrew & Rosie

We want to speak with you about the events of the last few weeks both in the USA and here in the UK. We have been deeply distressed by what has taken place.

The death of George Floyd was an extreme expression of the racism and injustice that is experienced by so many, not just in the USA but also in our country and in our Church family.

We just want to start this with an apology. We haven’t spoken to this situation yet and that has been a missed moment on our part. Just so you understand our context. Last week we had booked annual leave to be present with our extended family. Both sides of our family have needed our time and attention because of very significant health issues, so we weren’t present to our staff team or in a visible way to you as Church in this crisis and for that we are sorry. 

We are however taking time to listen, learn and to pray. We’re grateful for what our team posted and expressed in our absence and we want you as Birmingham Vineyard to know the depth of our concern. 

We emphatically condemn racism in all its forms. Racism is a violation of the character of God and an insult to his image that is expressed in every person.

As His Church, we are made a new family in Christ with a shared identity as sons and daughters. We are called to express this unity. We are to be a place where people of every nation, tribe, and language can worship God together. 

With every personal story of discrimination we are hearing, our understanding, empathy and pain grows because when one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts. We weep with those who weep and we mourn with those who mourn. These are days in which we are called to grieve together over the injustices that have been done to our brothers and sisters. 

Racism is evil. It should have no place in society and it should certainly have no place in the church. We all have blind spots, and many of us who are white, don’t realise how what we say or don’t say, or do or don’t do, might inadvertently exclude or wound others. That is not our heart and if you are from a Black, Asian and Minority ethnic  background and you have experienced anything like that in the context of this Church we want to know and we want to ask your forgiveness.

Let’s grow in our understanding and make steps to change. As your leaders we’re not just making a comment in this cultural moment, we’re deeply committed to listening, learning and leading differently. As white people we may never fully understand what you’ve experienced. We want to hear from you, we want to listen to your stories, and together we want to search our hearts, repent, comfort and walk with each other. 

Thank you for being present, engaged and honest so we can become everything God calls us to be, namely a Church filled with faith, hope and love. 

It’s an answer to Rosie and my prayers over many years that Birmingham Vineyard is changing, becoming much more diverse, more reflective of this wonderful, multi-cultural city which we love, and where we are called to serve. We are richer because of that change. But we freely acknowledge that we have a long way to go to fully express God’s kingdom in all its diversity.  We’ve seen incremental change. But we need to see significant change at every level so people from all backgrounds can fully encounter God, enjoy authentic safe community and discover a place to become everything Jesus has called them to be, fully expressing their discipleship and leadership gifts in the Church and in all of life. 

On Sunday we will be speaking more into this subject and explaining how we can lean into this journey together and what we will be actively doing to respond practically. 

We want you to know that we love everyone who considers Birmingham Vineyard their home. Join us as we pray for God’s Kingdom to come and his will to be done.

Thank you all.

Every blessing,

Andrew & Rosie

(To view Andrew & Rosie’s video message, go to Birmingham Vineyard’s Facebook page:

A Response of Unity

We stand against racism & kneel with our brothers & sisters who suffer this injustice.

We will comfort each other & walk with each other, mourn together & weep together, and we will do this passionately & peacefully, actively committing to fight injustice everywhere we see it.

Many of us will have had very different reactions to the events surrounding the past week of unrest in the United States of America. Many of us will feel sadness, grief, anger, frustration, sympathy, confusion, or a mixture of these. As Christians, we start with honesty, where we are and where our world is. We ask Jesus to come and stand with us, to feel what we feel. We pray together for a better future.

The sad truth is that racism and injustice are not problems that only exist far away.  Similar injustices exist across the world, and in our own society too. Racism is real. It is still a reality for the whole world, including the United Kingdom, and it is an experience for many in our church family and in our society.

What is our response?

Although we are individual people with different experiences, we are connected, for better or worse, one with God, and with each other. There are some times when, as a body, a church family, we celebrate, we express our joy together before the Lord. But there are also times when, as a body, we must stand with, kneel with, cry with, hurt with, and mostly pray with, those in our body who are mourning. Those in our body who are experiencing injustice, unrest, violence, and struggle. It is our Christian calling to mourn with those who mourn, laugh with those who laugh, weep with those who weep. We act as Christ when we comfort each other and walk with each other. It is to be in Christ to learn about one another’s experiences, and grow in patience, endurance and love as we do so.

God’s heart breaks when He sees injustice. We’re invited into a relationship with God, where He transforms our hearts so that our hearts begin to break when His does. So whether we can empathise with a particular situation, we can still all take one more step towards unity and deeper connection with each other. We can hear each other's stories, stand alongside each other in our struggles, and work hard to deepen our connections and our love for each other. As we do, we will see and understand more of God’s heart, we draw closer to Jesus, who has walked through it all Himself in His life, and now walks through it again, alongside us.

Whether we have experienced racism or not, whether our skin is one colour or another, whatever our political leaning, upbringing and background, we are called to live in unity. Throughout the Bible, we’re reminded of the unity that is inherent in our family, the body of Christ. It’s in our DNA and it’s through unity that we display God’s love for the world (John 17:23, Galatians 3:26-28, Ephesians 4:2-6, Romans 10:12). 

So as we look on across the world, as we see demonstrations far away, and are reminded of similar situations and circumstances close to home, we are stirred to pray. Pray for institutional and cultural change. Pray for understanding. Pray for the marginalised, the hurting, and the overlooked. Pray for justice, pray for reconciliation, and above all, to pray for God’s peace. 

Sometimes we find it difficult to pray what’s in our hearts in our own words, to summarise the cry of our hearts with syllables and letters. And so, to close, we’d like to use God’s Word: the living Word that always remains in every season. These words from Paul in Romans 12, starting in verse 9, may help you to pray along with God and the worldwide church.

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

 if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

-Romans 12: 9-21

Songwriting Challenge

As a Vineyard church, worship is our highest priority.

We see songwriting by the congregation as a vital part of glorifying God and edifying His church.

Each of us has been given gifts and talents from God that we can use to glorify Him and share His love for humanity. We want to sing songs that tell our story of God at work in us. We want to respond to what is happening in our church through songwriting, to facilitate a corporate response of a corporate experience.

During this time, you may find that you have more available time, or less so, but we believe that songwriting can develop a language of prayer and intimacy between you and God. So whether you’ve written a worship song before or not, we’d love to invite you to take 10 minutes a day to take on the Songwriting Challenge!

Check out this video for details:

How to participate

  1. Write a song (or part of a song). Check out the Songwriting Resources link below to see all sorts of criteria, guidance and resources to get you started!

  2. Create a basic lyric sheet (preferably including chords/numbers) and record a simple demo (e.g. a phone recording of singing the melody).

  3. Send to Jon Solway, our Worship Pastor, at

  4. Receive feedback and information about next steps.

Care Packs Donation Drive

You can make a difference to women in Birmingham who are in vulnerable situations.

God’s Kingdom draws near to those who have experienced very difficult circumstances in life. As we are learning about the Beatitudes in our sermon series, we are being encouraged that Jesus is within reach and extends his blessing to those who are oppressed, poor and grieving. As a church, one way we partner with Jesus in extending his blessing to others is through practical donations to people who don’t have the resources to access much-needed items.

Calls to a national domestic abuse helpline rose by 49% and killings doubled weeks after lockdown, a report by MPs has revealed.


Through the end of May we are collecting donations for local agencies who work directly with women who have experienced human trafficking, exploitation, or domestic violence. We are partnering with:

  • West Midlands Anti Slavery Network

  • Heartlands Hospital Maternity Ward

  • Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid

  • British Red Cross

  • Adavu

How You Can Help

  • Pop a few of the items below onto your shopping list and bring them to Birmingham Vineyard at the drop-off times listed below.

  • Share this with your neighbours and gather donations as a street or building. A great way to build community!

  • Take the hassle out of going to the shops by ordering from our Amazon Wish List:
    (We are unable to accept Amazon deliveries at church, so please have items shipped to you and drop off at times listed below)

  • Take time to pray for women, children and vulnerable people who are being taken advantage of.

  • If you prefer to make a direct financial donation, click here and choose “Care Packs for Vulnerable Women” in your designation:

Items needed:

  • Disposable pants, all adult sizes (for use during hospital stay post-birth)

  • Unopened bags of cotton wool

  • Brand new nighties/pyjamas, sizes L - XXL

  • Breast pads

  • New, unopened toothbrushes & toothpaste

  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap

  • Deodorant (unscented or for females)

  • Sanitary towels/feminine pads

  • Nappies, sizes 1-6

  • Baby wipes

  • Nice hand cream, small perfumes, nail products

  • Nice candles

Drop off times:

Birmingham Vineyard Church
174 Barford Street, B5 7EP

Tuesday, 19th May 9:30am-12:30pm 

Sunday, 24th May 1:00pm-3:00pm

Tuesday, 26th May 9:30am-12:30pm 

Sunday, 31st May  1:00pm-3:00pm

Unable to drop off at one of these times?
Contact Jess to arrange an alternative:

Thank you for making a difference!

Stilling Prayer Exercises

‘Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.’

— Matthew 11: 28-30 (MSG)

These stilling prayer exercises can be used at any time to increase awareness of God’s constant presence.

When you’re ready to practice one of these exercises, just find a quiet spot where you can be still for a bit without distraction. Enjoy!

Looking for a simple place to start with following Jesus and living His way every day? We want to make it as clear and simple as possible, so that no matter where you are at in your faith journey you can grow in your relationship with Jesus.

The Big Three booklet shares 3 simple spiritual practices that you can use every day to help you grow closer to Jesus. Download here:

Palms Down, Hands Up

Be Still

Body Scan

Invite Jesus In


Sundays Are For Community

Community is more important than ever!

Our digital Sunday Streams offer lots of ways to connect with others, so whether you’re new to our church or have been around for a while, come join us and get stuck in.

3 Sunday Streams

As a church we exist to help many different people follow Jesus, and one way that we do that is through our multisite model. To help us express this digitally, we’ve moved to three Sunday Streams!

10:00 // 11:30 // 17:30
Every sunday

You’ll see familiar faces leading and the chance to “bump” into the same people you normally would at your regular service. 

New Online Church Venue

We’re using a new online venue to meet together on Sundays, which gives us more opportunities to connect with each as we meet, just like we normally would! The Online Church platform has a live chat box, online bible feature, easy-to-access links and live prayer through private chat rooms.

We’d love you to join us on this interactive platform for our Sunday Streams by going to

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After Church Hangouts

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We sure miss getting to catch up after the service with friends over a cup of coffee! To help us connect more we are introducing After Church Hangouts every Sunday, after each service.

These digital video hangouts on Zoom will give us a chance to mix and mingle after church just as if we were in the same room. Think of it like the cafe area after a church service where we can have informal chat and catch up time with each other.

For security, these calls are password protected so if you haven't already received the login details for these calls via email, feel free to contact us at