Kingdom Impact 2019 Recap

God’s presence was powerfully touching lives at the Kingdom Impact conference!

It was so great to have guests from across the country join us at Kingdom Impact this weekend for Spirit-filled worship, prayer and teaching.

I had 2 health conditions coming into the conference; eye cataracts and prostate enlargement. I received prayer at the conference and the people praying for me stopped three times to check in to see if there was any improvement. Each time there was gradual change in my eyesight. I don’t know about my prostate yet, but what I can say is that my eye cataract is healed! I wanted to testify to what has happened and what God has done.
Thank you God!
— Kingdom Impact attendee
I’ve been going to church since I can remember. Recently I’ve really struggled with my faith and particularly the Holy Spirit, particularly during ministry. Since becoming a Christian I’ve only ever gone up for ministry 2 times - despite the lord prompting me at other times. I tended to have run away or disengaged, mainly out of fear - this became super clear to me at the last KI conference but Ieft it at that and still avoided ministry. Throughout the weekend hearing so many amazing stories and seeing God move in such an incredible way, I felt my heart pounding so frequently. During the last session Blaine mentioned different groups of people he felt God wanted to bless. I really resonated to all of these and yet stayed in my seat. Then I took a gamble and went up. I have never ever felt the Holy Spirit like I did that evening when being prayed for. God spoke so clearly and I am still shaken up. Even this morning my heart is still pounding. I know there’s a lot more to come and I can’t wait!!
Thank you for all the work that went into this conference. The space provided has really helped me to grow deeper in my faith and hear from God so powerfully.
— Kingdom Impact attendee

If you’d like to share how God touched your life through the weekend, head to and tell us all about it!